Bamboo and rattan are astounding resources with unique potential to combat poverty and natural resources challenges. They grow locally to some of the world’s poorest communities in the tropics and subtropics, and have many uses, providing a vast range of sustainable products, livelihood options and ecosystem services. If we can harness the potential of bamboo and rattan, the Global South will be closer to achieving its ambitious development, climate and environmental aims, including the Sustainable Development Goals, REDD+ targets, the Paris Agreement commitments, and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
Bamboo and rattan are fast-growing, renewable resources that have numerous benefits over traditional wood-based materials. Here are some reasons why bamboo and rattan are good options:
Environmentally sustainable: Bamboo and rattan grow much faster than trees and can be harvested in 3-5 years, compared to the decades it takes to grow a tree to maturity. They also absorb more carbon dioxide and produce more oxygen than trees, making them more environmentally friendly.
Versatile: Bamboo and rattan have a wide range of uses, from building construction to furniture making to paper production. They are also used in the manufacture of handicrafts, textiles, and even as a food source.
Strong and durable: Bamboo and rattan are incredibly strong and durable, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. They have a high tensile strength and are resistant to bending and warping, making them ideal for construction.
Low maintenance: Bamboo and rattan require less maintenance than traditional wood-based materials. They do not require pesticides or fertilizers and can be grown without irrigation.
Cost-effective: Bamboo and rattan are cost-effective alternatives to traditional wood-based materials. They are readily available in many parts of the world and are often cheaper than wood.
Overall, bamboo and rattan are sustainable, versatile, strong, low-maintenance, and cost-effective materials that offer numerous benefits over traditional wood-based materials. For these reasons, they are excellent options for promoting environmentally sustainable development.